Work with a Practitioner
Certified in the Sano Method of Peiec
Certified Peiec Practitioners have completed a minimum of 12 months in the Sano Academy and at least one 5-day intensive. Before embarking on certification, each Practitioner has deeply focused on their own personal growth and transformation. We believe in self-growth first—only those who have reached a certain stage in their own development are equipped to profoundly assist others in their healing journey.
These dedicated guides are equipped with profound knowledge and unique techniques to support you in:
- Releasing stress and emotional blockages
- Releasing pain and discomfort
- Assist in health and wellbeing
- Restoring balance, well-being, vitality, raising consciousness and finding inner peace
- Deepening self-awareness and personal growth
- Navigating life’s transitions with ease
- Empowering you to thrive in every stage of life
Our Practitioners help you embrace your journey with confidence and clarity. While working with a Practitioner is transformative, learning The Sano Method of Peiec yourself allows you to go deeper with your practitioner and experience even more profound results. Don’t leave your healing to others alone—embrace your own power.
Sessions can be undertaken in -person and Online.
PLEASE NOTE: Practitioners are not affiliated with or employed by Peiec International. Practitioners run their own businesses. Practitioners with an * next to their name indicates that they are in current programs to maintain skills and keep up to date with teachings.